1·Incoming Materials and returned goods must be placed under Quarantine Status.
2·In the current buyers market environment, enterprises are facing increasingly serious returned goods.
3·Refund shall be made with the exchange of the returned goods to those who purchased the relevant brush.
4·Check the quantity of delivered and returned goods with customer or transfer warehouse, and operate sales business in SAP system;
5·In many cases, film costs have been reduced by 50% and there has also been a noticeable reduction in product damage in transit and returned goods.
6·The thesis in chapter 4 brings forward the idea of making use of the method of Activity-Based Costing to calculate the cost of processing returned goods.
在第四部分,本文创造性的提出运用作业成本法(Activity-Based Costing, ABC)核算退货处理成本的思路,并用例子分析了作业成本法在退货管理决策中的运用。
7·Main page includes: the system home page, the user information, the disposition quoted price, buys into the information, the fitting returned goods, inquires the fitting, prints the fitting.
8·Faulty goods should be returned to the manufacturers.
—— 《牛津词典》
9·Goods can be returned with no questions asked, although it can be more expensive than other shops in the area.
10·The more goods the better, unless we returned to the Garden of Eden; for this would mean that more natural scarcity has been alleviated, and living standards in society have increased.